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amicus curiae 【法律】法庭之友〔審理某些案件時前往提供或被傳去提供情況...

“ amicus curiae “ briefs is very useful to the court with a fair trial in the case and to carry out the democratic spirit in the process of trial , therefore it has its unique value in the litigation . the second part analyzes the two main reasons of the emergence and development of “ amicus curiae “ briefs in wto dispute settlement body 中國應當順應wto爭端解決機構接受“法庭之友”陳述的趨勢,從自身利益出發,支持wto爭端解決機構接受“法庭之友”陳述,同時應當發展本國的非政府組織,靈活運用“法庭之友”陳述為我國利益服務。

“ amicus curiae “ briefs and its unique value in the litigation are also gradually falling into chinese scholars ’ sight with the wto . in this thesis , there are mainly six parts , which are all concerning the discussion of “ amicus curiae “ briefs in the wto dispute body 各國對wto爭端解決機制當中應不應該接受“法庭之友”陳述,爭論十分激烈,承認“法庭之友”陳述在專家組階段可接受而在上訴機構階段不可接受是解決這一矛盾較好的方法。

“ amicus curiae “ briefs was briefly applied in the litigation system of common law countries such as britain and the united states . at present , there are fewer presentations on this issue in china Wto爭端解決機制當中并沒有關于“法庭之友”及其陳述的規定,但“法庭之友”及其陳述卻在wto爭端解決的實踐當中頻頻出現。

After the establishment of the world trade organization , some non - governmental organizations joined into the wto dispute settlement by submitting “ amicus curiae “ briefs to wto dispute settlement agency “法庭之友”及其陳述的出現給一直飽受缺乏透明度非議的wto爭端解決機制帶來了新鮮空氣。

The issue of “ amicus curiae “ briefs has experienced a process , which is from denial to shake , then to acceptance , in the wto dispute settlement body 由于“法庭之友”及其陳述的法律地位不明確, wto爭端解決機構,尤其是上訴機構對待“法庭之友”陳述的實踐就成為值得研究的問題。

The first part is about the connotation of “ amicus curiae “ briefs and its history “法庭之友”陳述的問題不能被無限期的擱置,最終必須在制度層面加以解決。


The first section is the concept of amicus curiae and its evolution . amicus curiae , as the friend of the court , refers to the individuals and organization , without having direct interest in the case , petitioning to file the brief to the court and expounding their comments and views to the case for the judge ’ s reference and improving the judging capability . as for the characteristics of amicus curiae , one is that individual or organization not bearing any direct interest with the disputes and whom actively file the brief to the court 本文從法庭之友的概念、特征和歷史沿革入手,分析三個典型案例,試圖找到法庭之友介入爭端解決機制法律依據,并對成員國對此問題的提案和觀點進行歸納,最后對爭端解決機制中的法庭之友問題提出建議:爭端解決機構應適當地行使司法解釋權,允許法庭之友意見在專家組階段提交。

Concretely , the main part of the article is divided into for chapters . chapter 1 mainly introduces the amicus curiae system , including its history , operation and value basis . chapter 2 sums up the present state of expert legal opinion , such as background , character , function and operation , etc . chapter 3 compares the two systems , points out the difference between them , finds out the problems consisting in the latter , and concludes the consulting meaning of the former 具體來說,文章主體部分可以分為四部分:第一章主要介紹美國法院之友制度,包括其歷史沿革、運作概況和價值基礎;第二章概述我國專家法律意見書的現狀,比如其產生的社會背景、性質、功能以及具體運作等;第三章將美國法院之友制度和我國的專家法律意見書進行比較分析,找出兩者的區別和后者存在的問題,得出前者對我國的借鑒意義;第四章是文章的重點部分,在分析了專家法律意見書存在的合理性基礎和糾正了目前理論界存在的認識誤區之后,作者提出了完善的建議,包括形式上、內容上和程序上的完善。

“ amicus curiae “ briefs is very useful to the court with a fair trial in the case and to carry out the democratic spirit in the process of trial , therefore it has its unique value in the litigation . the second part analyzes the two main reasons of the emergence and development of “ amicus curiae “ briefs in wto dispute settlement body 中國應當順應wto爭端解決機構接受“法庭之友”陳述的趨勢,從自身利益出發,支持wto爭端解決機構接受“法庭之友”陳述,同時應當發展本國的非政府組織,靈活運用“法庭之友”陳述為我國利益服務。

These organizations are called amicus curiae , they have intervened many of disputes and submit the brief directly to the panel and the appellate body ; meanwhile , the panel and the appellate body either decline or accept submission or draw up special procedure for the amicus curiae brief Wto的諸協定,特別是《關于爭端解決規則與程序的諒解》 (簡稱dsu )中沒有關于法庭之友的規定,但是法庭之友主動向專家組、上訴機構提交意見,介入爭端解決機制已經是不爭的事實。

“ amicus curiae “ briefs and its unique value in the litigation are also gradually falling into chinese scholars ’ sight with the wto . in this thesis , there are mainly six parts , which are all concerning the discussion of “ amicus curiae “ briefs in the wto dispute body 各國對wto爭端解決機制當中應不應該接受“法庭之友”陳述,爭論十分激烈,承認“法庭之友”陳述在專家組階段可接受而在上訴機構階段不可接受是解決這一矛盾較好的方法。

If it was necessary to instruct such a counsel in a case , having regard to the particular circumstances of the case , the instruction to the counsel would make it clear that his role in the review committee hearing is essentially that of an amicus curiae 假如在考慮案件的特定情況后,某宗案件必須委派該大律師,署方會清楚指示該大律師其在覆核委員會聆訊中的角色本質上乃法庭之友。

With these questions , the article mainly discusses the theoretical basis and realistic meaning of expert legal opinion , and puts forward the suggestions to consummate it in comparing it with the amicus curiae system of the usa 帶著這些問題,本文重點探討了專家法律意見書的理論基礎和現實意義,并在和美國法院之友制度的比較評析中提出了完善我國專家法律意見書的建議。

“ amicus curiae “ briefs was briefly applied in the litigation system of common law countries such as britain and the united states . at present , there are fewer presentations on this issue in china Wto爭端解決機制當中并沒有關于“法庭之友”及其陳述的規定,但“法庭之友”及其陳述卻在wto爭端解決的實踐當中頻頻出現。

After the establishment of the world trade organization , some non - governmental organizations joined into the wto dispute settlement by submitting “ amicus curiae “ briefs to wto dispute settlement agency “法庭之友”及其陳述的出現給一直飽受缺乏透明度非議的wto爭端解決機制帶來了新鮮空氣。

The contribution of ec focuses on panel establishment , implementation of recommendations and rulings , compensation and the suspension of concessions , regulation of amicus curiae and so on 歐共體把談判的重點放在了專家組的組成、建議與裁決的執行、補償與中止減讓、法庭之友制度等方面。

The issue of “ amicus curiae “ briefs has experienced a process , which is from denial to shake , then to acceptance , in the wto dispute settlement body 由于“法庭之友”及其陳述的法律地位不明確, wto爭端解決機構,尤其是上訴機構對待“法庭之友”陳述的實踐就成為值得研究的問題。

Such a response to the issue of amicus curiae in an impromptu and inconsistent manners by the dispute settlement body have triggered the hot debate among the wto members 爭端解決機構對法庭之友意見采取一案一議、非一連貫性的做法,引發了成員國之間激烈的爭論。

The first part is about the connotation of “ amicus curiae “ briefs and its history “法庭之友”陳述的問題不能被無限期的擱置,最終必須在制度層面加以解決。